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Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge
Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge
In order to adapt to the spatial curved surface structure of the main bridge tower, Chongqing yingfengsheng mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. has designed and produced Licheng brand inclined construction elevator, providing it with vertical transportation equipment with an inclination of 7.8 degrees. The construction height of the main bridge beam is 232.7 meters. We have provided the installation scheme of upper and lower sections, and the upper half section is installed by platform.
CIC Tianhe International Center
CIC Tianhe International Center
CIC Tianhe International Center is a landmark super high-rise complex of Guanyinqiao CBD in Chongqing, with 58 floors above ground and 8 floors underground, with a building height of 283.5 meters. YFS Machinery provided the lifting scaffolding for the project, and customized the construction elevator in the shaft with the size of 2200 * 1500 * 2400mm.
Qingshuihe Bridge
Qingshuihe Bridge
The construction site of the project is special. After many times of site investigation and research, the difficulty of installation and demolition has been successfully overcome. The construction height is 220 meters.
Chongqing Raffles
Chongqing Raffles
The core tube of the project is 350 meters high, and the unique "(" shaped building body is 250 meters high, which makes the project construction difficult. YFS machinery is specially designed for long-distance Tie-in(the farthest reaches 14.8 meters). It has been certified on site for many times, and has customized a special construction scheme to ensure the safety of construction and operation.
Our strengths
Open the market with quality and win customers with service. Rapid development, is the industry's largest black horse, Is the industry tycoons frequently focus on.

The market share of Chongqing and Yunnan ranks first.

There are branches in all important provinces and cities in Southwest China, There are offices in central and South China.

The products are exported to Brazil, India, Malaysia and other countries .


Luxury R & D lineup, 1 State Council subsidy, 3 senior professor level experts,

15 core R & D personnel, Has the ability of customized R & D and installation and demolition of

special-shaped elevator and Bridge elevator.


More than 400 technical service personnel are distributed in all branches and offices.

The unified service management platform ensures the uniform service quality and standard.



There are 1200 construction elevators,5000 sets of lifting scaffolding.

The "Licheng" elevator is designed according to the service life of 15 years,

There is no safety accident in 10 years.

PartnerYFS provides customers with more safe, efficient, comfortable and durable equipment, creates value for customers, and looks forward to cooperating with you。
Win the future, Abundance and world, Keep rising
Open the market with quality, win customers with service
Chongqing Yingfengsheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specializing in the development, production, sales, and leasing of construction elevators, All steel lifting scaffolds, and tower cranes. It is located in Huixing Taiwanese Industrial Park, Yubei District, Chongqing, With convenient transportation.
      From "Licheng Leasing" to today "Yingfengsheng Manufacturing",We have been adhering to the enterprise spirit of "People success by faith, Industry rises by sincerity". We are dedicated to the R&D, production, sales and service of construction machinery and equipment, Accessories, repair and maintenance, installation and disassembly, escrow management and mortgage services, make every effort to create a "611 three-dimensional marketing service system" to provide construction enterprises with overall project service plans and operational support for construction elevators. Today, the company has grown into a benchmark enterprise in the construction machinery industry in the southwest region, with a monthly output of 50 construction elevators, and its products and services are well received by customers.

In 2005, Chongqing Licheng Construction Engineering Equipment Rental co., Ltd was established.

In 2009, the first "Licheng" construction elevator was off the assembly line.

In 2010, Chongqing Jinjiazi Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established, and the JJ-ⅠandⅡ lifting scaffolds passed the acceptance.

In 2011, New service outlets were established in Chengdu, Yunnan, Guiyang and Lanzhou.

In 2012, The first "Licheng" brand construction elevator exported to Brazil.

In 2013, YFS was awarded as a key industrial enterprise in Yubei District of Chongqing and the first famous brand enterprise of Chongqing SMES.

In 2014, Construction elevators were exported to South America, Southeast Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

In 2015, The second-generation "Licheng" construction elevator was launched.

In 2019, JJ-03A all-steel attached lifting scaffolding passed the acceptance.

YFS Adhering to the enterprise spirit of "People success by faith, Industry rises by sincerity", Strives to create "information network technology", "611 three-dimensional sales service system" and "6S comprehensive service platform", is committed to providing a whole for construction Project solutions and operational support, to meet customer needs as the core goal, to provide users with professional and efficient services.

Yingfengsheng will further optimize its production, sales and technical service system, break through innovation on the basis of more than ten years of research and development, and provide customers with better products and supporting solutions.

The technical team regularly goes to the front line to understand customer pain points, upgrade product safety performance, reduce failure rates, meet customer needs at the fastest speed, and continuously exceed customer expectations.

三月春回暖 立诚生产忙











入夏以来,气温节节攀高,暑热连连,火热一片。面对夏季生产作业火热局面,为了保质保量的完成生产任务,立诚的家人们抢时间、抓进度,虽然热浪滚滚,大家依然坚持作业,生产线上一派热火朝天。 以电焊劳作为主的立诚人在火热的车间里,为了安全生产还得全副武装,戴上头套、口罩、防护眼镜,穿着汗湿后背的工装一整天。 夏日炎炎,挥洒汗水,立诚的家人们保质保量推进生产作业,保证发货。 为了切实保障一线家人的安全生产作业,后勤人员将防暑药品送到各班组手上,确保家人们高温下的安全作业。



立诚施工升降机产品特点齿轮齿条驱动施工升降机产品特点:1、驱动系统置于笼顶上方,减小笼内噪音,使吊笼内净空增大,同时也使传动更加平稳、机构振动更小,无对重设计简化了安装过程;2、一机多用,可运送钢筋、混凝土、腻子粉、砂浆、砖及施工人员等,大大提高施工效率;3、可选配性能先进的无级变频调速系统,使得升降机可实现0~63m/min的无级调速,运行平稳无冲击,同时降低了设备启动时对电网的冲击,延长了电气系统的使用寿命;4、多变化的附着系统,可在复杂多变的建筑物上使用;5、电缆滑车系统,避免了电缆运行过程中相互绞绕、刮损;6、标准节顶节无齿条和防冲顶装置的设计保证了吊笼不会冒顶,限位和极限开关以及防坠安全器的安装更加保证了施工人员的安全。7、可选配翻板门替代楼层进出料平台钢管架,节约施工成本。工作原理该产品为齿轮齿条驱动施工升降机,用于运送人和货物。主要由导轨架、底部防护围栏、吊笼、传动系统、控制系统、安全装置、吊装系统及附属装置组成。1、导轨架由若干桁架结构的标准节段组成,标准节上配有齿条。为保证导轨架的稳定,每隔一定高度(约6-9米)用附着装置与建筑物连接一次。导轨架最上端标准节为无齿条防冲顶标准节。2、吊笼全钢长方体结构的运载工具,吊笼靠近标准节一侧的两根笼体主梁上装有14个导向滚轮,使吊笼沿导轨架正确地运行。顶部设有检修天窗,供维修人员上下出入使用,吊笼进、出口门均为垂直滑动门。并配有机械电气联锁装置,当笼门或天窗门未关好或开启时,吊笼不能运行,以确保吊笼内人员安全。3、底部防护围栏由型材和钢板及冲孔板组装而成,升降机运行时进入的地面区域封闭,从而使人员在升降机运行期间不得随意进入该区域。在防护围栏入口处设有护栏门,装有机械电气联锁装置。吊笼未落回地面,底架护栏门不能打开,底架护栏门未关闭,吊笼也不能运行。4、传动系统主要由传动架、传动板、减速器和齿轮背轮组成。传动架承受吊笼传递的全部载荷,装有安全钩,防止因滚轮脱落或安装时操作不当导致倾翻。减速器输出轴端的齿轮,与固定在导轨架上的齿条啮合,带着吊笼上下运行。5、安全装置电路中设置了过载、限速等安全开关,各门亦均有限位开关,当运行中发生意外情况时,升降机立即自动停止 避免发生意外事故。每台吊笼均配备防坠安全器,能在吊笼坠落时及时制停,确保升降机安全可靠的运行。6、控制系统电控系统线路简单可靠,便于操纵及维修保养。可在吊笼内用手柄或按钮操纵升降机上下运行,在任何需要停止的位置上可随时停止。在上下终端站,上、下减速限位开关减慢施工升降机运行速度,如果上下减速限位开关因故障不起作用时,升降机上设置的极限开关可及时切断电源使其制动。7、吊装系统笼顶装有电动吊杆,在安装时可以用电动吊杆吊运标准节进行升节作业,拆卸作业时亦可将导轨架标准节逐节吊运拆下。功能配置SC200/200施工电梯、SC200施工电梯  SC200/200、SC200为齿轮齿条啮合,外置式三驱动额定速度33m/min施工电梯,选用国内“SSS”三驱动为动力体,其结构紧凑,动力强劲。驱动系统电机,减速机采用双安全保险固架,防坠器为4.0型,坠落时能自动刹车,驱动单元置于笼顶上方,安全可靠,维修保养方便。驱动系统振动小,同心度高,又另外加装防移位滚。 SC200/200为双笼体、SC200为单笼体,可根据施工现场具体情况搭配。传动齿条式,笼体容积大,笼体顶部为轧花厚钢板,最高提升高度450米。SC200/200G施工电梯、SC200G施工电梯  SC200/200G、SC200G俗称变频施工电梯,在SC200的基础上增加了变频器,改变电机频率、增加减速器使用寿命,使施工电梯在运行和停止时更加平稳。可根据运行速度分为:0-33m/min、0-46m/min、0-63m/min三种型号。



全钢智能爬架五大组成系统:主框架支撑系统:由导轨、立杆、Z字撑、水平桁架、走道板、防护网窗等通过螺栓连接而成,架体步距可根据施工需求调整;提升卸荷系统:包括环链电动提升机、附墙支承、附墙吊挂座、上下吊点桁架、上下承重梁、穿墙螺杆;防坠系统:防坠系统由防坠装置、导轨防坠档杆、附墙支承、穿墙螺杆组成;安全防护系统:由立面防护网窗、走道板、底部翻板以及连接螺栓组合而成;超荷载报警系统:每一环链电动提升机均配有载重感应装置,各机位点受力不均及超荷载时自动报警;优势:1、节约施工成本:架体不再使用现场钢管、扣件、密目网等材料,由标准钢材构件组装而成。2、降低施工安全风险:架体在地面拼装完后,整体吊装,免除高空作业危险。钢材构件从 源头杜绝火灾隐患。防护网窗能更好的防止高空坠物的风险。3、提高工作效率:爬架升降一层只需半天,节约工期,减少管理成本。4、改善施工环境:将高空作业变为封闭性室内作业。采用空间桁架结构,保证走道畅通,人员、物料通过无障碍,提高施工效率。5、整体安全性更高:采用“非动力”防坠装置,每个机位至少两个以上的防坠装置工作,无论是上升还是下降都能做到层层防护。6、外形美观、施工形象好。7、服务至上:十于年行业经验、20多名现场管理人员为施工单位提供一对一服务。


